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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - flock


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  1) стая (птиц); стадо 2) клочок шерсти; пучок волос – species flocks ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. стадо; стая (птиц); отара (овец) a flock of wild ducks —- стая диких уток flocks and herds —- овцы и рогатый скот 2. толпа, скопление людей a flock of visitors —- толпа посетителей to come in flocks —- стекаться толпами, валить толпой 3. дети (в семье) the flower of the flock —- краса (украшение) семьи 4. ученики (ученого, философа и т. п.) 5. церк. паства 6. редк. собрание, комплект a flock of pamphlets —- стопка брошюр Id: to stray from the flock —- отбиться от стада; сбиться с пути истинного Id: to fire into the wrong flock —- ам. попасть пальцем в небо Id: it is a small flock that has not a black sheep —- в семье не без урока 7. стекаться, скапливаться, собираться толпой to flock about smb. —- толпиться вокруг кого-л., обступить кого-л. to flock after smb. —- толпой следовать за кем-л. 8. держаться вместе, сбиться в кучу (также flock up) 9. валить толпой people flocked to the cities —- народ повалил в города the door opened and the public flocked in —- дверь открылась и публика стала входить гурьбой 10. пушинка; клочок шерсти; пучок (волос) 11. pl. грубая шерсть; текст. очески 12. набивать (пухом, шерстью, волосом) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  after следовать за кем-л. FLOCK I noun  1) пушинка; клочок; пучок (волос)  2) pl. шерстяные или хлопчатобумажные очески II  1. noun  1) стадо (обыкн. овец); стая (обыкн. птиц) flocks and herds - овцы и рогатый скот the flower of the flock fig. - краса, украшение семьи  2) толпа; группа to come in flocks - приходить толпами  3) eccl. паства  2. v. стекаться; держаться вместе the children flocked round their teacher - ребята окружили учителя - flock after ...
Англо-русский словарь
  см.floc ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) мн. ч. хлопья 2) текст. флок, короткое волокно для флокирования FLOCK PRINTING электростатическое ворсопечатание ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a number of animals of one kind, esp. birds, feeding or travelling together. b a number of domestic animals, esp. sheep, goats, or geese, kept together. 2 a large crowd of people. 3 a a Christian congregation or body of believers, esp. in relation to one minister. b a family of children, a number of pupils, etc. --v.intr. 1 congregate; mass. 2 (usu. foll. by to, in, out, together) go together in a crowd; troop (thousands flocked to Wembley). Etymology: OE flocc 2. n. 1 a lock or tuft of wool, cotton, etc. 2 a (also in pl.; often attrib.) material for quilting and stuffing made of wool-refuse or torn-up cloth (a flock pillow). b powdered wool or cloth. Phrases and idioms flock-paper (or -wallpaper) wallpaper sized and sprinkled with powdered wool to make a raised pattern. Derivatives flocky adj. Etymology: ME f. OF floc f. L floccus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English flocc crowd, band; akin to Old Norse flokkr crowd, band  Date: 13th century  1. a group of animals (as birds or sheep) assembled or herded together  2. a group under the guidance of a leader; especially a church congregation  3. a large number a ~ of tourists  II. intransitive verb  Date: 14th century to gather or move in a ~ they ~ed to the beach  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English flok, from Anglo-French, from Latin floccus  Date: 13th century  1. a tuft of wool or cotton fiber  2. woolen or cotton refuse used for stuffing furniture and mattresses  3. very short or pulverized fiber used especially to form a velvety pattern on cloth or paper or a protective covering on metal  4. floc  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1530  1. to fill with ~  2. to decorate with ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flocks, flocking, flocked) 1. A flock of birds, sheep, or goats is a group of them. They kept a small flock of sheep... They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks. N-COUNT-COLL: usu N of n 2. You can refer to a group of people or things as a flock of them to emphasize that there are a lot of them. These cases all attracted flocks of famous writers. ...his flock of advisers. N-COUNT-COLL: N of n c darkgreen]emphasis 3. If people flock to a particular place or event, a very large number of them go there, usually because it is pleasant or interesting. The public have flocked to the show... The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film... His greatest wish must be that huge crowds flock into the beautiful park. VERB: V to n, V to-inf, V prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a group of sheep, goats, or birds  (- compare herd1 (1)) 2 C usually singular a large group of the same kind of people + of  (a flock of tourists) 3 C usually singular formal or humorous a priest's flock is the group of people who regularly attend his church 4 small pieces of wool, cotton etc used for filling cushion1 (1) s 5 also flocking AmE a soft substance used to make patterns on the surface of wallpaper, curtains, etc ~2 v to go to a place in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there  (flock to/into/around etc)  (Californians are flocking to enrol in special aerobics classes.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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